2016 Results
The results for the 2016 Queensland Amateur Brewing Championship are in!
Champion Brewer: Matt Bradford
Champion Beer: Alex Taubert, Classic Rauchbier (Smoked Marzen) – after countback for highest overall impression
Champion Club: GOLD Club
Congratulations to all the winners!
Full results for this year’s competition can be found below:-
Awards Summary
Thank you to everyone who entered beers, and to all those who participated in the judging, stewarding, data entry and bottle registration. There was a record number of brewers entering, 126 and a record number of beers, 462.
A particular thanks to our sponsors who are providing great prizes and other support; Craftbrewer, Brewers Choice, Cryer Malt, Wyeast, National Homebrew, Hoppy Days Brewing Supplies and AB’s Honey.
A special thank you to the Prince Alfred Hotel at Booval who provided a fantastic venue and hospitality for the competition.
Those beers (and Ciders & Meads) which placed 1st,2nd&3rd qualify for the Australian Amateur Brewing Championships being held in Adelaide. The brewers need to send another bottle of their beer to Craftbrewer at Unit2, 4 Christine Place, Capalaba, 4157 to arrive by Wednesday, 28th September, and must complete the individual AABC entry form and attach by rubber band to the bottle. The QABC will pay the entry fee and ship the entries to Adelaide.